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A brief understanding of the correct method of dog training

How do you know you’re using the right training methods for your dog? You would be surprised at how many dog trainers out there that still use outdated ones!

If you’re training your dog using positive punishment (the act of punishing the dog by scolding, pushing away, smacking, etc. when they have done wrong), then you’re training them incorrectly. Although it looks very effective because it seems to make the dog obedient, you’re sadly mistaken. Positive punishment works out of fear – and sometimes means they will only ‘behave’ when you’re in the room because you’re seen as the punisher. They still love you and want to please you, but now it’s done in a stressful manner.

If you want to ensure you are training your dog to happily do as you please, you want them to do it because they also want to do it. Part of this is the process of negative punishment (the act of stopping whatever positive thing you’re doing with your dog when they do something wrong – no yelling, just stop and turn away so they know the fun is over). When you scold your dog or push them down when they jump up, you are punishing them, but you are still giving them attention (even though it is negative). They see this as their owners giving them attention so they sometimes are encouraged to continue because that’s now what they have learnt – until it gets so bad it turns into fear.

Whereas negative punishment takes that attention away. They crave our attention, so if we immediately stop giving them attention when they perform a certain act, over time they will learn that action stops the fun. This only works if you do it consistently and immediately after the unwanted act – you don’t want to confuse them of what they can and cannot do!

Dogs are a lot smarter than we think, and generally a dog that is trained with negative punishment will continue the correct act even when you are not around. This is because they are happy to do so because they know if they continue, they will be able to get all the attention in the world!

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