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How to stop your dog from jumping up at visitors

Do you struggle with your dogs jumping up at visitors? It's even worse when you have a big dog and your guest comes in wearing white! Dogs jumping may be cute at first, but it can actually cause injuries to the elderly and children. If your dog jumps up it is something to note and fix ASAP.

There are many possible reasons why your dog will jump up at visitors when they enter the house:

1. Many dogs learn that jumping on people is part of a greeting. They have learnt that they are rewarded for jumping up by getting attention – either positive or negative. Some guests may greet your dog excitedly when they arrive, which could rile your dog up into jumping up at them. Others may try knee your dog in the chest, squeeze their paws, stepping on their front toes, or push them down [1],[2]. Although this is negative attention, if your dog craves attention this is still a positive association with jumping. This negative attention could also create severe anxiety for your dog whenever a visitor arrives at the door. This may add certain behaviours such as urination as your dog is torn between excitement and fear to greet the visitors. In both the positive and negative attention, your dog is being “rewarded” by receiving attention in response.

2. If they mainly jump up on strangers or people they do not see regularly, the jumping may be due to the uncertainty and lack of confidence having these people in their homes.

3. They have been inadvertently trained that it is okay. Most puppies are seen to be “cute” when they jump up at people. They get rewarded by getting love and praise, especially if it looks like the puppy is balancing on their hind legs and have it be mistaken for a new trick. The owner may also accidentally train to jump before the “sit” command. Some dogs get excited to the point that they jump and stand on their hind legs until they are lured into the “sit” position, and are treated for the sit. What they have learnt is that a jump and sit receives a treat, and not just a sit. If a visitor enters the house and the dog is told to sit politely, they may begin with a jump on the visitor before sitting[3].

4. Some owners allow their dogs to jump up on them every now and then which could confuse the dog as to whether they should or shouldn’t jump.

5. They want to greet visitors face to face like they do when greeting new dogs. When dogs meet each other, they walk up to each other face to face and sniff, which is what they then try do with humans, but because we are taller, they need to jump up to connect with us face to face. This also allows them to be close and greet you affectionately as they jump to meet your face as they learnt to do with their mother[4]. Your dog may jump up at visitors to get them face to face during the greeting[5].

6. Some dogs are banished to the back yard due to their jumping all over family and visitors, especially when greeting visitors. The dog will likely get extremely lonely and when someone walks into the backyard, the dogs excitement for interaction is amplified and their jumping is more severe. To add to the irritation of the visitor when going outside to greet the dog, by the dogs being outside and possibly getting dirty when playing alone, this jumping may also lead to the visitors clothes being covered in dirt[6].

7. A very rare reason for jumping, but still a possibility, is aggression towards your visitors. If your dog starts to show their teeth, growl and possibly snapping and this behaviour is ignored, the dog may mock attack the visitor which could be mistaken for jumping up[7].

[1] Neale, D. Nd. Why does my dog jump at me when I get home? Available from: (Accessed 20 April 2021) [2] Horwitz, D. Nd. Dog Behavior Problems - Greeting Behavior - Jumping Up. Available from: (Accessed 20 April 2021) [3] Fratt, K. 2021. How To Stop a Dog From Jumping Up On Strangers. Available from: (Accessed 20 April 2021) [4] Horwitz, D. Nd. Dog Behavior Problems - Greeting Behavior - Jumping Up. Available from: (Accessed 20 April 2021) [5] Neale, D. Nd. Why does my dog jump at me when I get home? Available from: (Accessed 20 April 2021) [6] Morgan, RV. 2010. Behavior - Jumping Up On People. Available from: (Accessed 20 April 2021) [7] Goddard Veterinary Group. Nd. My dog jumps up at visitors, how can I stop him? Available from:,guests%2C%20and%20ignoring%20the%20dog. (Accessed 20 April 2021)

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